Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Evolution of Games

I think that gaming has totally evolved from what it used to be. When my parents were growing up the only games that were available were Pong and Tetris. Now days there are so many different games and different gaming systems. Each game system releases a new version every few years because video games are always going to be in demand. I think parents should be a little scared because sometimes kids go crazy over games. There are some kids that just decided not to go to school because they wanted to stay at home and play games all day which is pretty stupid. Every couple of years Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo release another version of the Play Station or X-Box and they make millions. Almost every kid has 1 or more game systems. Gaming has become a very big market.

There are only a few games that are beneficial to you and most of them are from Nintendo. The games that do benefit you are games like Wii Fit, Dance Dance Revolution, word and math games on Nintendo DS, and some other educational games. The vast majority of people who play video games are kids and lets face it kids are not going to wanna play these educational games that deal with word problems and math. I think that the Wii Fit is good for kids but there aren’t enough games for kids like that. Most kids play shooting games for X-Box 360 and PS3.

I don’t think that the consumer is affected by the game unless he or she goes overboard and decides to play for a really long time. There has to be some priority when playing these games otherwise kids are going to get hooked on them and not do homework (units), or go to school. I think that these games are still games for now because their still fun and you get to have a fun time with it even if you’re working out. Eventually games might turn into something else but for now their just entertaining and fun for kids to enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. I agree from my personal experience I know a kid from my elementary school who just got modern warfare 2 when it was released. But he had school the next day so instead of going he stayed home so he could beat the campaign on veteran (hard mode). Unfortunately for him his teacher some how found out so the next day he had a nice surprise when he came back to school.
