Sunday, January 17, 2010

Things Are Not Always What They Seem...

Photo shopped images gone wrong are hilarious. When images go a little too far you tend to wonder if there are any real pictures in the media. To me, no pictures of celebrities or anyone in magazines are real. Well sure it’s probably their face that’s there but so many things are added and taken away that it’s probably hard for a celebrity to notice themselves on a magazine anymore. I’m guessing no celebrity images are released to the media if they have not been retouched because what celebrity wants to have bags under their eyes and wrinkles? Stars want to look good all the time no matter what.

It doesn’t bother me when companies do this manipulation because they just want to sell their product. They’re in it for the money and their going to take what ever road gets them the most. I don’t really mind most of the images that are shown in the media but some images go to far when it’s not even cool or sexy, it’s just plain fake. I don’t think that it’s acceptable for companies to do that because it’s obviously fake and they portray it as real.

I like the new trend of not using Photoshop because it shows the real models and it portrays actual humans instead of fake models. Personally I like it but I don’t think that the companies will sell as many copies of the magazine compared to if it had photoshopped women on it. I don’t think that this new idea will stick because the media has gone too far with all the images that it’s not possible to go back. If the media didn’t do this to us, no one would care if there were non-photoshopped images in a magazine because it would be normal. But now if there were non-photoshopped images it wouldn’t be normal at all, it might even look bad. Hopefully in the future we can see the media getting rid of photoshop from their magazines and advertisments.


  1. I disagree with you, I find that the images which are photoshopped down to almost nothing are ridiculous, it shows people that aren't real, it makes others out there feel bad about themselves. This isn't fair. It can also create many problems with health, to the women and young girls who try their hardest to get that one "look". I do agree with when you said companies just want to sell their products, but I also think they could come about it from a different angle.

  2. Though you think these images are hilarious, many girls find this a big problem for them. If this is what the media considers beauty, seeing images like this every day makes a majority of girls want to have a similar look. This triggers all the crazy diets you hear about. The fact that some guys find these woman attractive doesn’t help either. This just adds to what the girls are expected to live up to. I think people should be more aware of what is done to the pictures in media these days. I love Peter Lidbergh’s idea. The models that he used bare their natural face and I think they look amazing. I’m sure many people are tired of seeing those unrealistic people. We should make more of an effort to learn to appreciate the natural beauty of people.

  3. I don't agree with you, photoshopped pictures of celebrities make others feel bad about the way they look. Girls compare themselves to these unrealistic looks. They go on crazy diets and develop bad eating habits trying to obtain this look. I do agree that companies are just trying to sell their product, but I think they should try selling it another way.

  4. I don't agree these images are actually promoting bad messages. I mean if everybody believed in what the magazines are saying they decide to go on crazy diets. That is really bad.

  5. I agree with what you said, photoshopped images are truly something you would enjoy looking at, not because they look good, but because they're funny! and its true, about how you don't mind when companies manipulate the images because they need to do, what they have to do.

  6. Even though some of these may be funny I have to disagree, because maybe to us we wouldn't mind but if a girl were to see something like this and were insecure about the way they look, there going to want to change themselves, because that's what they think their supposed to look like.
