Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Tax on Pop?

I think this is insane, I get that pop makes people fat and unhealthy, but taxing pop is not a way I would go. I don’t believe that taxing pop would be that answer. It seems to me like the New York Health Department definitely wants some change but I don’t think that this is the way to go. Maybe giving the people more choices like constantly advertising healthy food choices, or having a bigger healthier menu for restaurants and fast food places or even making laws that ban fast food from having more than a certain amount of carbohydrates or fat in their meals. Ideas like that would make a big difference.

In Mary Ward and many other high schools there is so much healthy food, I think it’s too much. I understand that the schools want their kids to eat and drink healthier but I can’t find any pop in the vending machines or any really good tasting food in the cafeteria because everything has gotten so healthy. I think that there should be some more choice, not a lot, but more.

I don’t think that the tax on pop would be a lot but why should New Yorkers even have to pay more for it? It’s not really the money that would make a person mad at this; it’s the fact that there is a tax on pop. The New York Health Department’s ads do have a slight effect on me but not as much to quit using pop. I think women who are trying to watch their weight would probably stop drinking pop or drink it scarcely. The campaign does work and would probably push people to stop drinking pop. Seeing ads like that do make me want to be healthier and I think that it’s the same effect on other people who see these ads. I think the video the New York Health Department released is a little to much and pretty disgusting. I think even if the tax doesn’t happen in America it will eventually happen in Canada. If it does I would still buy pop and chips but I would probably buy it more rarely.


  1. Taxing soda also doesn't make much sense to me either. Soda is not the only cause of obesity and singling out soda just doesn't seem right.

    Next thing you know, candy and probably even chips would be taxed.

  2. The tax on the pop seems to me unclear as well. I agree that pop does make you fat, but that is not the only factor, there are other factors as well, such as what foods you eat, and whether you exercise or not - all play a role in weight gain.

  3. I completely agree. The whole concept of taxing pop because it's to 'unhealthy' sounds shady to me. In any case, I believe it's up to the consumer to chose what they want and dont want to buy. They live with the consequences in future anyway. I also agree that they should keep creating those ads, and make on emphasizing the healthier foods to inform people so they'd limit themselves on pop. Besides, won't the soda-companies feel the difference if there was a sudden increase (for tax!) on pop. Id imagine that sales would go down -which isn't a good thing either, considering the current economic state.

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